The focus of DJ Sports Club is Basketball, Education, Socialization, and Technology. While teaching important life skills, we strive to incorporate pride, passion, and fun into all our programs. Our objective is to prepare tomorrow's leaders with an overriding sense of community and commitment.

Message From the Founder
Growing up in the inner-city, I saw first-hand the impact of substance abuse and gang activities on children and youth in our neighbourhoods. This was what inspired me to work towards positive change. I recognized the importance of having a productive and safe space as an alternative to the streets. DJ Sports Club is that place, where hundreds of youth are learning life skills to become their best selves today, and tomorrow's community leaders.
I founded DJSC with the purpose of making a difference in every life the organization touches. The entire staff of DJSC is committed to the personal development and transformational growth of young people, helping them to strive in the 21st century. The world is changing and adaptation is central to future growth. For one, artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming societies everywhere, changing the future of work. Therefore, DJSC has adapted to the evolving environment by introducing programs relevant to change. We go way beyond basketball to a curriculum and learning environment that is relevant to the new economy. We’ve designed an education and skills mentorship program that seeks to augment traditional education with an intelligence-based learning platform to prepare youth to succeed in the new world.
There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure.
Colin Powell
DJSC's mission is to prepare tomorrow’s leaders and give them the competitive advantages to take on the future.
Sincerely yours,
Dexter. John